Systems Architects

System architecture consultancy

We offer systems architecture and solutions architect consultancy to corporate and larger customers, specialising in traditional, digital, and multi-channel publishing infrastructure.

Our team have designed and implemented many different types of architecture including :-

  • Micro-services
  • API-based architecture
  • SOA platforms
  • Monoliths

We focus in building architecture that is: future-proof, expandable, re-usable, and distributed/decentralised.

Previous architecture projects have included; Content ingestion and transformation, content publishing to print and digital platforms, digital asset management, feed ingestion and generation – for locally generated and syndicated content, solution development – working with Business Analysts, video ingest and rendering/publishing.

We use architecture and project management processes including :-

  • AWS Well Architected Framework
  • Lean/Agile
  • Scrum, Kanban, Scrumban
  • Continuous integration and deployment